K-3, Surajpur Site-C, G. Noida
Phone +91 9911551474

Truck Loading and Unloading Conveyors are useful for simple tasks like unloading or loading boxes or any product to & from trucks and taking it to the first floor or plainly to move the material to any places where material needs to be moved rapidly and efficiently. Almost all Hydraulic components are of reputed make and easily available. Able to reach all the way inside the front of the truck is a challenge that is faced by all industries especially in the time of non-availability of manpower as well as the need for improved ergonomics which leads to better morale of workers and also improves the safety record of your factory.

HS Engineers ranges of truck loading conveyors are available with hydraulic inclination height ranging system and telescopic arrangement to suite Loading & Unloading in Trucks & Containers.


Hydraulic(Variable) Height Truck Loader and Unloader

These type of Truck Loaders and Unloader conveyor is having variable Loading or Unloading height or boht . Typical Loading height will be approx: 450-2400 mm & Unloading height will be: 450-2400 mm

Fixed Height Loader & Unloader

These type of Truck Loaders and Unloader conveyor is having fixed Unloading/Loading height. Typical Loading height will be approx: 450-750 mm & Unloading height will be: 2100-2400 mm

  • Speeds of up to 30 m/min can be achieved
  • Can be integrated into other modules like telescopic conveyor which will automatically change the length depending on the position inside truck
  • Dead roller conveyors which can take the parcels inside the warehouse
  • Maintenance free bearings and drive system
  • Can be moved by one person around the floor
  • Excellent design and workmanship
  • Robust but light in weight Safe and easy to operate
  • Available in Slider bed with grip top belt
  • Virtually Zero maintenance unit
  • Height adjustment at rear as well as front
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